The following are some reasons that will make you consider hiring one, if you have not made your decision yet. For some new mothers, you might not like the idea of having a stranger in your home. But for others, the confinement lady can seem like a God-send at times.

1. Sleeping

Your confinement lady will be able to give you some breathing space as she can handle the night feedings for your baby, thus granting you one of the more precious luxuries in motherhood – sleep. You’ll really need all this rest as your body would have lost quite a fair bit of blood during delivery. Also, let’s not forget that you are now breastfeeding and need to produce milk for your newborn.

2. Cooking

While you may be a good cook, during confinement, it’s best to leave that task to someone else so you can concentrate on your baby. Plus, some confinement ladies are quite good at preparing nutritious meals suited for new mothers and may even introduce you to new dishes to share with your whole family.

3. No Parental Involvement

Let’s face it. No matter how much you love your mother or mother-in-law, there are times when you’ll want to run your home according to your rules. The best way to do this would be to not have either of them in your house during your confinement. This way, you’d be less likely to say the wrong thing (which might offend them) and more in control of daily life in your home. Of course, there’s no harm in getting their advice, but at least, you’ll be able to manage when to receive it.

4. Housework

With an extra pair of hands around the house, you can say goodbye to housework for awhile. Even though it may or may not be up to your standards, at least it’s one thing less to worry about. Just make sure that it has been factored into the cost of hiring the confinement lady to prevent any issues from arising later.

5. Pick and Choose your Pantangs

While the confinement lady’s sage advice is much appreciated, there are some that you may choose not to abide by after taking into consideration the pros and cons. With a hired person, you as the employer have the right to decide on things and you may pick and choose the ‘pantangs’ that meet your requirements. Best of all, you can do so without actually breaking any rigid rules.

6. Learn from her experience

As a new mother, there’s no way that you could know more about caring for a newborn than an experienced confinement lady. This is the time to dive into her wealth of knowledge and learn some interesting and practical tips and information on how to adapt to being a new mother. Other that baby care related information, she could also have some great tips on regaining your figure after childbirth, a topic that you would definitely be interested as your confinement period comes to an end.

7. A companion above all

A confinement lady can be an all-rounder, but she can also be so much more. There may come a time when you just need someone to chat with during your confinement, or someone to lend a sympathetic ear if post-partum depression strikes. It’s at this moment that you will truly appreciate having her around. After all, let’s face it, your baby can’t talk yet, much less carry on a conversation and will most likely be sleeping when you feel like chatting.

As you can see, there are more pros than cons to having a confinement lady around in your house. But, in the final analysis, the decision to hire one is ultimately yours to make. Here’s to a blissful confinement period and years of maternal joy!

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